Tuesday, October 21, 2014

CIY: Healthy Cotton Candy Frappucino

I love Starbucks like any other person but what I don't love is their prices and if you get a drink a couple times a week it adds up. So today I decided to try and make one of their drinks myself and to make it even better I made a healthy version. I will be showing you guys how to make a healthy cotton candy frappucino, it tastes amazing, and doesn't take more than 5 minutes to make!

Ingredients: (Makes 2 cups)
-Half cup of raspberries
-Half cup of strawberries
-Medium size banana
-1 Trader Joe's organic mango yogurt
-3/4 cup of vanilla almond milk

First you want to cut your strawberries and banana and then just place them in the blender along with everything else.

Place everything in the blender together. The yogurt mixed with the milk will give it a really creamy texture just like a frappucino.

Then simply just mix it all up until smooth consistency. If you want it to be lighter like how the frappucino usually looks just add some more milk!

Place in a cup and enjoy!(: This drink is so refreshing and a good replacement for a dessert or any other type of treat.

Hope you all liked this post it came out amazing so I had to make a post about it. I recommend trying this 100% it's super quick and tastes like Starbucks at home.

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