Thursday, September 4, 2014

Where I've Been??

I have been absent for a week or so haven't been posting on anything, so I just wanted to tell you all what has been going on

 I started college a week ago and honestly it is already super stressful, I thought I would have more time to blog but I really don't. I really want to continue blogging but posts might come out a little slower.

College is not anything what I ever thought. I have so much work everyday that I spend hours and hours doing, I barely have any time to eat or breath.

I don't have school on Tuesdays but it isn't even a break I have to do the work for the next day and try to get ahead so I'm not swamped in the coming days.

It has been a big challenge for me to adjust and it is just really hard to be honest. I don't have to many friends yet which is knocking down my spirits a little bit. A big part of school is socializing and I feel like the people in my classes are just not sociable so it really is a challenge. But I hope once I join clubs that will change.

Also I have to wake up at 5:30 every morning to get to school so I come home super tired but still have to do hours of work. It has been a big adjustment and honestly I cried yesterday because it is all just too much to handle. I am happy to be in college don't get me wrong ( I hated high school) but it is just such a change.

Today for instance I had only one class Math from 8-8:50 I decided to go to the school gym which is super nice and I had a good time. Then I came home showered and now I'm working. I just finished doing math for an hour and a half, so now I will move on to my others classes and on and on. The gym was my only break today.

I didn't want to make this to complain but just share my feelings with you all so you can understand what is going on. I promise to make more time for blogging because I genuinely do love it and it is a great escape!
I hope you all will stay with me in these few weeks of me transitioning and getting it together.
Love you all see you next time!

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