Thursday, August 28, 2014

Henna Experience

I am so obsessed with henna I love it because it isn't as permanent as a tattoo but it lasts long enough for you to get the feeling of one. About two weeks ago be and my best friend decided to get hennas done by a girl my friend recommended to me so I thought I would share with you guys my experience.
I decided to get this design done because I have been seeing it all over Tumblr and I really fell in love with it. This took about half and hour and after she put a lemon sugar scrub on it to make it darker. Her instructions were to keep on till late at night around 9 or 10 and then scrape it off. I have actually had henna done before and the lady said to keep it on over night which I think is better because it lasted longer that time. But if you've ever had henna done you know how hard it is to keep the paste on and not use that hand to much.
This is about two days later and as you can see after you peel of the paste it becomes a pretty brownish tan color. You can kind of tell where is darker and which parts came off before like my second finger is darker than the palm of my hand. You really cant control it, it just comes off sometimes without you noticing. Also after I got it done in the above picture me and my friend went to eat and that was the biggest struggle of my life trying to drive and eat with the paste on.
This is what my friends looks like it came out so pretty I think. I love how it looks like an intricate hand chain and just goes up one finger I loved it.
So mine lasted about a week to be honest I thought it would last longer because I have had henna done before and it usually does. So I really do recommend keeping it on overnight if you can because it really helps the color darken and last longer. Basically the darker the henna comes out the longer it will last.
I hope you all enjoyed this post I really enjoyed writing it. I will for sure be getting more hennas done in the future they are just so beautiful.

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