Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My First Day of College!

Yesterday was my first day of college and let me tell you it was one of the most overwhelming situations of my whole life.

First I commute to school because it is decently close to my house so there is the stress of traffic and finding decent parking. But I got to school at a good time and in one piece so that was nice. My first class is at 8 A.M. and I got to school around 7:20 so I just sat infront of the building where my class was and ate breakfast and read. My first class is math and that was ok I personally suck at math so I already know this class is going to be a struggle for me. But the teacher is really nice so hopefully he can help me pass this class.

Next I have a Human Communications course which is essentially public speaking. I hate speaking infront of people but it is a pretty small class and the teacher is young and super nice so it shouldn't be too painful *crosses fingers

My third class is Gender Studies which I feel like will be my favorite class because the teacher is so sassy and hilarious which is right up my alley. But I don't know if I will actually like the subject, I will for sure let you guys know.

Lastly I had history from the 16th century which was so awkward. The thing about the first day is everybody is so tense and awkward that you feel so weird, and especially in this class because everyone was so different from each other it was extra uncomfortable. But on the bright side the teacher is young and Italian with a heavy accent that I am obsessed with. I usually like History so I hope I will be successful in this class.

Towards the end of the day I just really wanted to go home because I felt kind of lonely because I don't have any friends yet. It is only the first day so obviously I am not going to make any friends but I still felt out of place. I think I just need a couple of weeks to adjust and meet some people. I also want to join a bunch of clubs and possibly a sorority so that should also help the process.

After my classes were over I went to the student shop and bought a lanyard for my keys and a school sweater and I am super pumped about both they are so cute. Then I just went home and did homework for hours.

That concludes my first day of college it really was a struggle but I know things will get better. I want to keep you guys posted through it all!!
Follow me on twitter mayasmind1..........I've been updating it with when I will be posting and sneak peeks so go follow I will for sure follow everyone back!

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