Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sorority Recruitment Story and Why I Withdrew!

When I would talk to people about rushing and being in a sorority I would always talk about it in the sense that I would end up in one. Never did I think I wouldn't, but I've come to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason.

So a few posts back I told you guys I wanted to be in a sorority. I go to a school where it is mainly commuters so it is hard to make solid friendships outside of the classroom. I thought joining a sorority would be the best way to get myself out there.

 Recruitment was this past Friday the 19th through Monday the 22nd.

Friday was probably the most important day in the sense that you talk to all the sororities and you have to make a connection with someone so they call you back the next day. Essentially you have to be as overly bubbly and out there as possible. Talk until you cant talk anymore, I lost my voice if that says anythings.

Saturday was philanthropy day so up to four sororities can call you back to their house. I got called back to three and at the end of the day only ended up liking 1. This day consists of going to the sorority houses and getting a tour and just talking more with the girls. I made the mistake of being a little less bubbly and got screwed over in the end.

Sunday is preference day and you can get called back to up to 2 houses. I got called back to the two I didn't want the day before, honestly I was crushed and wanted to cry the minute I got the paper. But everyone told me to give the two houses a shot so I did.

The first house I went to I made a connection with the girl I was talking to, but the problem was the past two days I hadn't made a connection with the girls I talked to. So i couldn't base it off of one girl. Preference day can be really emotional because the sororities do some of their rituals with you, and you can really see that it means alot to them. One girl spoke and her story was very similar to mine and I started balling and couldn't stop until I got back to school because I really didn't know what to do.

The next house I never really liked from the beginning but for some reason they kept calling me back. Needless to say I didn't have the best time.

Once it came time to make my decision I really didn't know what to do. I for sure didn't want the second house but should I give the first one a shot. I called my sister, cried some more, talked to some of my friends, cried some more. Then finally put my big lady pants on and decided that it wasn't meant to be for me this semester. If I had to convince myself to join that specific sorority then that shows I am not in love with it. So I withdrew and wont be joining a sorority this semester.

I cried when I had to explain to the lady the whole situation but then I came to terms with it. What really got to me was that some girls got exactly the ones I wanted and were so happy that I was really jealous to be completely honest.
I was most upset that I wouldn't have the opportunity to make friends just because it is so hard at school.
But at the end of the day I really have to accept that it wasn't my time this year. I will be rushing again rather next semester or next year and hopefully I end up where I need to be.

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