Tuesday, September 16, 2014

5 Things I've Learned About College

I have been in college for about a month now and I am seriously starting to notice the differences between college and high school. Sorry that all my posts recently have been about school but that is literally all I have been doing but I am working on a post for this weekend I think you all will like.

5 Things I've Learned So Far In College:
1. There are cute guys everywhere
When I say everywhere I mean everywhere. If you go to an all girls school, or don't have the best looking/ not your type guys at your school just wait my friend it gets better. I've toured alot of colleges and been to various graduations so I know there are always cuter guys in college. Also they are all usually friendly and nice so put your social pants on and get to know some cuties.

2. You have to pay for everything
The only thing I miss about high school is that you didn't have to pay for much. In college you honestly have to pay for EVERYTHING from classes, to books, clubs, food, the list goes on and on. I would honestly start saving from now if you want to do and experience alot in college because it will cost. I say sacrifice now so you can have an amazing time in college.

3. There are parties all the time
I don't know how some people can manage to party everyday but they do. I don't even live at school and I get invited to parties almost everyday. My friends that are in the dorms say there are even more parties and people are drinking 24/7, so the craziness is real.

4. Wear whatever the hell you want
I don't know about all of your schools but at my high school everyone always judged what each other was wearing. I personally never cared because I dress solely for myself, but I know others that were self conscience because of constant judgement. In college you can honestly show up in underwear and I doubt anyone would even look twice at you. But also the con to this is if you dress really nice and put effort into your outfits no one cares either. You just got to get used to it I guess.

5. Nobody gives a FUCK about anything
Excuse my language but honestly that is the only word that really describes that statement. Teachers don't care if you come to class, what your wearing, and half don't even care what your name is. On the way to my last class everyday I pass the smoking spot where everyone is always smoking and the other day I even saw my history teacher smoking there. Everybody is much more laid back in college I can guarantee you that.

Hope you all enjoyed this post this is what I have noticed alot in my short time in college.

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