Wednesday, August 6, 2014

TMI Tag!!!

Before I get started with the tag I wanted to tell you guys I made a Twitter!! I am super excited about it I can interact with you all more, tweet sneak peeks of posts, and you guys can send me pictures too so I am pumped!! User name is mayasmind1, so go ahead and follow and stay caught up with me. Follow, follow, follow!!

TMI Tag:
1.What are you wearing?
A blue and white stripped tank top, with gray sweatpants shorts.
2. Ever been in love?
Not even close
3.Ever had a terrible breakup?
4. How tall are you?
I actually am pretty short I am 5'3 almost 5'4
5. Any tattoos?
None currently I always debate getting one but my parents hate them so I wouldn't feel right getting one.
6. Any piercings?
Both of my ears
Chuck and Blair for life #chair
8. Favorite show?
Currently: Finding Carter
All time: Gossip Girl
9. Favorite bands?
Honestly I am not really a band person, I love rap music so I'm more into rappers.
10. Something you miss?
My grandpa
11. Favorite song?
This is actually really hard but I'd have to say but probably Come Clean by Hilary Duff ,it is the throwback song of all time I love it.
12. How are old ?
17 turning 18 in October
13. Zodiac sign?
14. Quality you look for in a partner?
Ambition; I love when people have goals and want to work hard to attain them
15. Favorite quote?
" You can't make people love you but you can make them fear you"- Blair Waldorf
16. Favorite Actor
Leonardo Dicaprio
17. Favorite color?
Black, even though technically it's not a color
18. Loud music or soft?
It really depends on my mood sometimes I just want to be alone and listen to Adele, but others like when I'm in the car I go hard and listen to much super loud.
19. Where do you go when you're sad?
My bed for sure
20. How long does it take you to shower
About 10-15 minutes
21. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
If hair and makeup is involved 20 minutes if I'm bumming it less than 5.
22. Ever been in a physical fight?
Nope, I am not about women fighting I feel like it is very degrading and most times you can really figure out the problem with your words.
23. Turn on?
Ambition, good sense of style, and funny.
24. Turn off?
Cockiness 110%
25. Fears?
Heights, animals, the dark, and burglars
26.Last thing that made you cry?
I was watching some Lifetime movie that was horribly sad and depressing
27. Last time you said you loved someone?
Said it to my mom 5 minutes ago.
28.Last book you read?
Looking For Alaska by John Green, wink wink future blog post
29. The book you're currently reading?
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
30. Last show you watched?
The Pioneer Women, I am obsessed with the food network.
31. Last person you talked to?
My sister just came home from work so her
32. The relationship between you and the last person you texted?
She is my best friend!
33. Favorite food?
I am not a picky person so I basically love everything from Italian to Chinese and Mexican.
34. Place you want to visit?
Italy, I am dying to go it is beyond beautiful and the cute guys doesn't hurt
35.Do you have a crush?
36. Last time you were insulted?
Probably yesterday by someone in my family
37. Favorite flavor of sweet?
This is worded really odd but vanilla, mango, and strawberry I love.
38.What instruments do you play?
None I used to play piano when I was younger but never continued with it. This sounds really weird but I don't like to be taught things like sports or instruments I get annoyed easily if someone tries to teach me.
39. Favorite piece of jewelry?
A necklace and bracelet pair my dad got me when I was younger
40. Last song you sang?
All Me by Drake
41. Last time you hung out with anyone?
One of my best friends yesterday!
Hope you all enjoyed this tag don't forget to follow me on twitter mayasmind1. See you all on Friday!!

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