Monday, August 4, 2014

CIY: Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Hi guys!! I hope you all had a great weekend ,I decided to start a new series on my blog called CIY: Cook It Yourself of different healthy foods I make. For the first installment of this series I made sweet potato fries at first I wasn't sure if they would come out good but after I made them they were sooooo delicious I had to share.

- 4 Sweet Potatoes
- Olive Oil
-Salt and Pepper
-Garlic Powder (not in pic I sprinkled it on last minute and it was super good)

First you're going to want to wash and peel the sweet potatoes

Next cut them into kind of fry shapes. In raw form sweet potatoes are actually really hard so you're going to have to use some serious force so be careful. Since they are so hard you can't really get them into perfect fry shapes but I was fine with these weird lookin ones. Then place them in a medium sized mixing bowl.

Now is the fun part seasoning time you can really do whatever you want and try different flavor combinations but I just kept it simple with oil, salt, and pepper. Then I washed my hands and mixed them by hand so everything would be more evenly coated.

I put parchment paper on a sheet tray so there wouldn't be as much mess and then spread them out. This is the point where I sprinkled the garlic powder on top. You can put them really close together but make sure none are overlapping since we all want them to be evenly crunchy and delicious!

Then just bake at 420 for about 30 minutes I did two 15 minute intervals so 30 minutes and then I turned the oven off and left them in there for another 5 minutes. Keep an eye on them throughout every bodies appliances are different so the heat may have different variations.

Finally plate and enjoy!! You can pair these with any sauce you like, I did ketchup and they were super good. But I heard A1 and siracha is also good as well.
I hope you all enjoyed this is my variation on the baked sweet potato fry, also the first post on my new CIY series. Get ready for more deliciousness to come!!

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