Wednesday, August 13, 2014

CIY: Zucchini Fries

I honestly love fries in any shape or form whether criss cut, curly, regular, wedges anything I love fries. But they are so bad for you, so I always try finding different things I can make into fries and they usually taste awesome. As you guys saw last time I made sweet potato fries and today I will be making zucchini fries. They are super simple but come out so delicious.

-1/2 cup of whole wheat flour
-2 egg whites
-3 Zucchinis
-1/2 cup of bread crumbs (I think Italian style bread crumbs taste the best)

Ignore the sweet potato fries, but first you want to go ahead and wash your zucchini then cut them into fry shape. Also I cut them into little circles for some variation between fries.

Now is the coating process so first you want to roll them in the flour ,then egg whites ,and lastly bread crumbs. Then go ahead and just place them on a baking sheet with parchment paper on top.

Lastly pop them in the oven at 425 for 30 minutes or until crispy brown.
Take out and enjoy(:
I hope you all enjoyed this recipe it is one of my favorites and it is so simple you can make it for a quick dinner or a really cool appetizer.

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