Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Cream of the Crop

Here are my top 3 shows of all time that I personally love and could watch for days on end. In order
1. Gossip Girl

Ahh I could honestly talk about Gossip Girl for days but nobody has time for that so ill make it as brief as possible. Basically if somehow I could choose a life to live before I was born it would be somebody from Gossip Girl. In essence this show is about over privileged teenagers living in Upper East side New York and Brooklyn of course. A popular gossip blog called Gossip Girl reveals the scandals of these privileged teens where money is no object and lies and sex is an everyday thing. My favorite characters of all time have to be Chuck and Blair I absolutely LOVE them throughout the whole series and am completely obsessed with Chuck Bass I seriously want to marry somebody like him when I grow up,  I love me a business man.( Also as tribute to Chuck and Blair I would like to name my future son Henry, yes I am obsessed and I can not help myself.)I don't have Netflix so it's hard for me to find all the episodes, I am looking into buying the whole series but for a good price off of eBay so I have to be patient, which is not really working. 
Rating: 10 out of 10, yes it is THAT good
2. Reign
I just realized that all these shows I am about to talk about are on the CW so they really have a target audience lol. This shows season 1 just ended but season 2 will be back in October I believe so you all have time to catch up before then. Anywho moving on to a completely different but semi similar type of show reign, which deals with monarchies and young rulers. You have Mary Queen of Scots who is the queen of Scotland and I think she is only 16 or so and she is moving into the castle in France to get to know her future husband Francis who is the son of King Henry. If my wish of being someone on gossip girl doesn't work I would love to be the queen of some country, but that is also far-fetched. Moving along Mary has to deal with Francis' mom who wants to kill her, his bastard brother who has feelings for her and she is not sure of her feelings and also rule her country from a different country which is also difficult I would think. I am not 100% sure but I believe this is during King Henry VIII because he is a complete womanizer on this show and if that does not indicate King Henry VII I really do not know what does. But above all you have to watch this show it is everything you would want in a show about kings and queens and all their drama.
Rating: 9.2 (toward the end of the season it became ridiculously messy, but I still semi liked it)
3. The Carrie Diaries
Last but not least The Carrie Diaries this is the prequel to Sex in the City but it solely follows Carrie Bradshaw and her journey in writing and high school. The show just got canceled this season and I am seriously upset about that it was an awesome show. Anyways this show takes place in the 1980s or around then sometime , fashion was completely different and it's really cool to see it. Carrie is pretty much a normal teenager except for her mother passed away and she is being raised by a single father and her sister Dorrit is going through a rebellious stage and is extremely difficult to deal with. But then there is Sebastian the new bad boy that Carrie used to know but he went away for some reason and now he is back. Played by Austin Butler who is total babe, Sebastian ends up really loving Carrie and they go through all this stuff and it is really great. The end of the last season is really hard to watch but you have to watch it because it is so interesting.
Rating: 9 ( Austin Butler honestly makes up for everything tbh)
These shows are all great and a must watch I am thinking about in the future doing my favorite reality shows because I love reality T.V. but you will have to wait and find out.
Love Always,

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