Thursday, June 26, 2014

Recipe: Banana Oat Pancakes

Hey guys! So today I have a recipe for you all, and it is banana oat pancakes they are seriously so good and super easy to make it honestly took me 15 minutes to do everything

For the ingredients all you will need is (makes 3 medium sized pancakes)
<1 banana
<2 eggs
<1/3 cup oats
You wanna go ahead and put all the ingredients in a bowl or you can use a blender if you prefer, my blender is literally humongous and it is to much of a struggle to pull it out and use it so I don't mind just mixing it by hand.
You just want to mix it until its a smooth consistency or chunky if you like it that way. I recommend smashing the banana first if you are mixing it by hand it makes it smoother and easier to stir. After mixing it in a bowl I put it in a measuring cup just so it's easier to pour!

Next I sprayed the pan with some cooking spray so it wouldn't stick. Then I just put the batter in the pan.
You can add whatever toppings you want to the batter I made one regular pancake and 2 chocolate chip! I loved chocolate chips with it because it had bananas and when I ate it with chocolate it almost felt like a banana split not gonna lie.

You have to wait about 30 seconds to 1 minute to flip it, wait until it is about the color above to flip because it will fall apart if you try to flip it before it gets a little crispy.
Then just plate and enjoy! I topped mine with honey and apple slices I love pancakes with fruit but that is completely up to you. Also if you add chocolate chips you really don't need honey or syrup because the banana is sweet and so are the chocolate chips so it's perfect to me. I wish I had whip cream though I think it would've made it even better and more like a banana split! But with or without they were still super super good I highly recommend!!!
I hope you all enjoyed this healthy recipe it is so easy and extremely delicious. See you all in tomorrows post!!

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