Wednesday, June 25, 2014

books, books, books

Hey guys so today I thought I would talk about another one of my current favorite books and it is #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso the founder and CEO of Nasty Gal a really cool online clothing store!

The book looks like this very nice and cool I like the pink which is girly then her outfit is awesome and makes it look more boss ass bitch if you feel what I'm sayin?
Anyways the book essentially talks about her journey to start the company all the ups and downs. Also what she does on a daily basis, how she hires and fires people and overall kind of an insight into the business. To be completely honest if you are not into fashion or business type of things you probably won't like this book too much because it's almost a how to of how she did it and the story of her business. I believe this book is meant to inspire and show people that not everyone needs a degree to be successful, which I think is pretty cool.
My favorite quote from the book, " Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" - Abraham Lincoln. Love that quote I really admire people who hustle and work hard for what they have and I would like to think of myself as a hustler as well. Amoruso would start each chapter with a page like this kind of giving an overview of what was to be expected in the chapter and a little quote relating to it, which I personally loved. I like books that are structured differently in the sense that it's not just chapter after chapter but has a little something different such as this book. Also what I really liked was in between most chapter their was a little letter type thing written by some real life #GIRLBOSSES which I thought was cool as well and added a little something else different.
In essence that book is about Amorusos journey from stealing and having to dumpster dive for food to owning a 100 million dollar business which is just so intriguing to me and I had to know how she did and it is very interesting!! I really recommend this book to all of you. I personally rented it from the library because it is a little on the expensive side but I would really recommend buying it if it is not in your local library!

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