Tuesday, June 24, 2014

High School Survival Guide: Incoming Freshman

I thought I would start a series on my blog about how to survive high school with different topics each time. I wish I had, had some sort of advice when I was in high school so now I will be lending my expertise and something's I recommend.

Todays post will focus on incoming freshman the do's and don'ts

First things first do not come in with the attitude that you are better then anybody else or the hottest shit the world the has ever seen and that you own the place. In reality you are probably none of these things and it will cause people to hate you and you will prove the annoying image people already have in their head of freshman. That is exactly what I did my freshman year I thought I was super cool and ran the show and I was really just a mess and not hot at all

Next please please please do not wear too much makeup people love to make fun of others and they will make fun of a cake face I can guarantee you, and I want to spare any hurt for you guys. Do not cake it on be as natural as possible, I feel that people actually prefer the natural look above all else. You also do not need to straighten or curl your hair everyday, unless it makes you feel better then by all means keep doing it. I personally look better with my natural hair my face shape just doesn't look that great straightened. My freshman year I thought it was cute to do a neon purple eye everyday or a Smokey eye that made me look like a raccoon that was going to the club in essence I was a hot mess with horrible makeup.

I do not really know how to word this nicely or delicately so I am just going to come out and say it, do not put out and be slutty. If there's one thing senior boys love is to prey on freshman girls and as they say around here " hit it and quit it", they most likely will take advantage of you and 9 times out of 10 not end up dating you. I think when most people come to high school they just want to fit in and be liked but I can not stress this enough you do not want the reputation of the girl that gets around. I had this friend that had that reputation and she owned it that she was a little slutty ( more like a lot slutty to be honest) but honestly imagine if your mom or family found out that, that was your reputation it isn't the thing you want to be known for.

DO NOT LET BOYS DISTRACT YOU it is always fun to mess around with guys ( don't be slutty though please) and have boyfriends but do not let them bring you down and lower your grades. I had a thing with a few guys and was still able to maintain good grades and get into a good college. You have to have the mentality that you are the only person that can get YOU into college ,grades are the most important thing. One has to be able to have a good balance between a social life and school life. In my mind school always came first I was in honors and AP classes so I really had to distribute my time wisely. It is hard at first but I promise you will eventually adjust and find the right balance for you personally!

Lastly this is probably the most important thing I just learned recently and it is own whatever you got and work it. Honestly what I wrote above is all just my opinion maybe you don't agree and actually do some of those things. Either way own it if you like to wear a lot of makeup you wear it with confidence, if you like to slut around own it, if you think you're the hottest shit own it! I don't recommend to do these things but no matter what I would want you all to work whatever you have and walk around with confidence.

That is all for todays post like I said above these are just my opinions and what I have experienced if you do any of these things more power to you, just don't ever lose sight of who you really are!

I hope you all have a great day and I will see you with a new post tomorrow!!!!

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