Friday, June 6, 2014

I Balled!

Movie review: The Fault in our Stars

Yes I am like every other teenage girl in this world and I read The Fault in our Stars by John Green and watched the movie the day it came out i.e. today.
I have to say having watched various movies based on books this one is probably in my top 3.
It's everything I could have ever wanted it to be funny, sad, quirky, inventive, but most of all it portrayed the book just how it should be portrayed word for word.

Ansel Elgort could not have been a more perfect Augustus Waters he was cocky but yet sensitive and funny, he loved Hazel Grace just as much as the book said. The chemistry between Elgort and Woodley seemed a little too comfortable for my liking maybe they do actually have something going on. I wouldn't be surprised very Edward and Bella inspired but I digress, I would like to think of it as the love story of our time since this is the era of cancer. But above all else it is about love and that no matter what disease one has or even if they don't love can trample all, but sometimes it can't and biology always seems to win.

What I am trying to get at here is that it is perfect in the sense that it is not your typical love story with a happy ending of them riding into the sunset. It is a happy ending in the sense that Hazel gets closure with a final letter from Augustus but also sad in the sense that yes, he did indeed die and will not be returning.

I cried the whole time basically, I am really emotional with any thing to do with cancer because I have had my own family issues with it so it brought up a lot of stuff. Half the time I did not know if I was crying about my shitty experiences or theirs. But anywho it was an awesome movie and if you don't mind crying then I really recommend seeing it, even if you haven't read the book I won't judge.

Out of 5 stars I give it a solid 4

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