Monday, June 30, 2014


Hey everybody, I hope you had a great weekend and welcome back to my blog!

As you can probably tell I made some changes to my blog

First I changed the name to Maya's Mind because I wanted it to be a little more personal and I really do post whatever is on my mind or what I feel like you all would like!

Second I will no longer be posting everyday Monday-Friday I'll post every other day which would be Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I want to try and create better blog posts with better quality and more effort. So I don't have to rush and just post whatever every day, I'll post every other and be able to put more effort into the post!

Third I kind of had a revelation this weekend in the sense that I want to try and start living a healthier lifestyle. During the school year I used work out and eat healthy and just all around feel better about myself. But now in summer I literally feel like a sack of crap and I just want to get back to feeling better about myself. So I want to take you guys on the journey with me I want to be motivated and post my work out routine, healthy recipes, and just all around inspiration for you all and myself.

Lastly I wanted to kind of make a change just because I am starting college in the fall and I really just want to start with a fresh slate. I wasn't one who enjoyed high school that much it just wasn't for me all around. I really, really, really want to try my hardest in college and get involved and everything like that so I felt like I just needed to break away from the high school day and "teen-things" and really just start fresh and revamp everything!

I hope you all like the changes I redid my blog completely from my name to the fonts and everything else.

I really hope you all enjoy and join me on this journey because I will post everything!

Stay tuned for Wednesday guys I have a really really cool post coming!

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