Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Just the beginning

Hello internet!
I am a 17 year old girl from California and I love everything from food, the beach, fashion, makeup, books, music, and of course the internet.
It is summer and like many others I went looking for a job and that did not really work out so I decided in my free time to write, which I also love.
I will be posting recipes, makeup reviews, outfit of the days, and many other things you are going to have to wait and see.
I do not really know where this blogging will lead me but I thought I would give it a shot.
As this is my first post I thought I would post a few things about myself

1.My name is Maya and I grew up in Los Angeles California
2.I am 100% Palestinian ( Google if you do not know the country)
3.I just graduated from High School this past week and will be attending college in the fall as a business major
4.I was raised by a single mom, shout out to all the single moms out there!
5. I love to cook and experiment but do not get the opportunity to much because my grandma lives with us
6. I also love to experiment with makeup and try different looks
7. Fashion has always been my thing so I hope to pursue it in the future
8. I am a libra
9. I hope to be very successful one day starting by own business of some kind
10. Lastly I just want to find true happiness in this world wherever that may be

P.S.: I have very bad grammar and do not make sense all the time because a. I speak Arabic fluently and I get it confused with English all the time and b. I have a lot of thoughts going through my head all the time and it is hard to keep up

Welcome and hopefully you will enjoy my blog(:

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