Thursday, June 19, 2014

books, books, books

Hey everbody today I thought I would share with you guys my current favorite book series, but there is only 2 books in the series so it is not that extensive. But I absolutely LOVE these books so I have to share!!! The books are flirting in Italian and kissing in Italian by Lauren Henderson and lets just say they are seriously super awesome
The first book in the series Flirting in Italian is by far better then the second I'll get into more detail about the second one later. But overall the first one is just amazing. So in essence this girl named Violet who I believe lives in England goes to a museum and sees a famous painting of a woman who looks just like her and she begins to question her life, because she realized that she looks like neither of her parents or family. This particular painting is Italian so she decides to further investigate by studying abroad in Italy for the summer. In the exchange program there is two American girls and one Australian girl. They all go live with an Italian host lady in her house ( I forgot her name to be honest). Then she meets this guy named Luca who is dreamy and Italian but he plays mind games. While dealing with Luca she is also trying to figure out the whole situation with the painting that looks like her, study the Italian culture, and deal with the other girls studying abroad. That's all I'm going to say because I could probably go on for days which would benefit nobody, so I really recommend reading it.

My library didn't have this book because it just came out this year but I HAD to have it after I finished the first one so I just ended up buying it. I was pretty disappointed to be completely honest the first book had me going crazy and wanted to read in like a day. But the second was more anti climactic, the focus of the second book was more on Violet and the girls she was studying abroad with and their stories. The first was more about her and Luca which I prefer because I like boy drama but that's just me. The book wasn't bad by any means you figure out the whole situation with Violet and the women in the painting which is really interesting. There is some parts with Luca so I had to savor what little their was. All in all it really is a great series it ends in a kind of odd way but at the end of the day it really is amazing or else I wouldn't be blogging about it.
Ok guys that is all for today I hoped you enjoyed this post and I want to do more posts about books in the future because I absolutely love to read! I hope you all have a great day and I will see you tomorrow!

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