Monday, June 23, 2014

What's in my Beach Bag!

Hey everybody, honestly if you live in California especially southern California in the summer you're always at the beach. The case is no different with me so today I thought I would show you guys everything I put in my beach bag whenever I go ( which is usually at least once a week if we're being completely honest here, which we are)
 Ok so let us get started above all I take a towel, usually I like to go in the water but sometimes I will just lay on my towel but I always do take a towel no matter what because you never really know what will happen.

The backpack I take which you can see on the top right is super cute jean backpack type thing with rope straps I like it a lot especially cause sometimes we have to walk long distances and backpacks distribute weight well. Backpack is from Target

I always take water and some sort of snack, yesterday I decided to take a little bag of ruffles chips sometimes we take sun chips, wheat thins, or any type of salty snack. Also me ,my sister and cousin usually walk to the Albertsons which is close to the beach and get a cold drink. Yesterday I got a POM mango drink. It was SO good and made me feel like I was on some sort of island in Hawaii really refreshing!
The drink looks like this, I'm obsessed!!
If it wouldn't be obvious enough I take sunscreen as well, I am literally white as snow and burn more then I tan so sunscreen is a must. But what I usually do is put tanning oil on my legs and arms so those tan a little more (hopefully not burn, but that is what usually happens, the struggle is too real) and put actual sunscreen on my face, neck, and back area.
I also bring a hat and sunglasses, since I wear makeup I try not to tan my face so I don't have to buy concealers and powders in a million different shades, the laziness is real with that type of stuff lol.
I also bring headphones to listen to music on my phone, my favorite app for music is itube, which you download for free and make a playlist of your favorite songs for free as well. My friend introduced it to me this year and it's the only app I use for music, they literally have every song.
Lastly I usually bring a book for entertainment, sometimes I read and sometimes I don't really depends on the day. But it is really relaxing either way. Currently I'm reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson, pretty good so far!
That is all for todays post I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you tomorrow!

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